Optimizing Study Time
Time is valuable as gold.The time past can't be recovered but we can change the way the future will become. As Allah have said indeed, "Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." Therefore if we want to change something we must start with ourself because only we can change what within us.We can say the same with our studies style. if in the past we are not that type of person who always stick to schedule and recklessly waste time we can change it by now.By optimizing it give benefits such as:
- Prevent stress
- Our daily life be more smootgh
- Spend time effectively
5 Strategies to Manage Our Time
- Use a weekly schedule
- Use a semester calendar
- Use a daily planner
- Avoid procrastination
- Balance academic with social and personal demands
What is Procrastination?
Avoiding and postponing what should be taken care of now and can rob you of your time and detail your best intentions.
Reason Why People Procrastive:
- Being a perfectionist
- Avoiding failure
- Avoiding success
- Being rebellious
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Being lazy
- Know what you should accomplish
- Determine deadlines
- Use schedule/planners/calendars
- Prioritize
- Break a task into a series of steps
- Do the unpleasant task first
- Change how you think about the task
- Have fun with the activity
- Establish rewards as personal incentives for completion
Advantages Of Being Organised:
- Keep on schedule and meet deadline
- Reduce stress caused by a feeling of lack of control over your work schedule
- Complete work with less pressure amnd fulfil your potential
- Build your confidence about your ability to cope
- Avoid overlapping assignments and having to juggle more than one piece of work at a time
By Lecture: Dr Azmi Nias
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