Memory Learning & Improving Concentration

Hello guys, this for my second lecture we were exposed to memory learning and improving concentration where was held at Dewan Al-Biruni.So now i want to share what i learned from this lecture and i hope it can share knowledge with you all guys!!!

Let's Started our Sessions 

What is Memory?
  • Memory is ability to encode,store,retain and subsequently recall important or less important information

Learning Pyramid
Learning pyramid is important to you for study in right now.There are various methods a a learner can engage how them to learn information at various percentages of retention.If you just come to class you will get 5%, but if you reading before the class for the topic lecture will teach today you get 60%.After class end and youi do some discussion with your friend and make some practice you get 125%.Lastly to make sure you really understand what you learn you can teach your friend about the topic,if they understand what you teach it;s means you really understand with the topic and you get 90% about the topic.

The memory Process 
  • Encoding Data
Computer-encoding data is the process of putting a sequence of characters.For example letters,numbers and punctuation will be specialized into a format from put into a storage.
Human-writing,reading or watching something and then will be sabved into our memory.

  • Storage
Computer-storage will be saved into an electronic devices such as CPU and memory
Human-memory will be stored into our brain.Storage is the more less passive process of retaining information in the brain,whether in the sensory memory,the short-term memory of the permanent long-term memory.

3 Different types of memory
  • Sensory memory (SM)
Remember something using sense such like PAY ATTENTION while lecture

  • Short-term memory (STM)
This storage very limited.From the sensory memory , information will be relayed to STM.While in the STM we need to rehearsed, repeated or do some notes to to get information long. Otherwise the information will be forgotten.

  • Long-Term Memory (LTM)
This is unlimited and large storage ,like a big library with a lot of books, the books are anology to information we encode and save. Having strategies during earlier would help in retrieval processes.

What is Concetration?
Focusing your attention on what you are doing.

Caues of poor concentration
  1. Lack of attention
  2. Lack of interest
  3. Lack of motivation
  4. Distraction from others
  5. Uncomfortable environment 
  6. Physiological matters-illness,tiredness
  7. Physchological matters-personal problems,worries and anxieties 

Strategies to Improve Concentration 

  • Use motivational and organizational strategies-create interest in the work, develop a positive attitude toward you work, use goal  setting strategies, use time management strategies
  • Create a positive learning environment- find a better location, reduce multitasking, minimize distractions.
  • Deal with internal distractions- deal with personal problems, deal with competing activities.
  • Use active learning strategies(as discussed in improving memory)
  • Match your learning style to the task 
  • Monitor your concentration  


SQ3R is reading comprehension method named fot its five steps:,survey,question,read,recall,review.The method was intorduced by Francis P.Robinson, an American education philosopher in his 1946 book Effective Study.

I hope my sessions will give you benefits. Keep follow for my next module 😊😊.

Lecutered by: Wan Rohana bt Wan Endut

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