A ICGPA is an integrated mechanism for assessing and reporting of students' development and performance as well as learning gains for their ethics, knowledge and abilities .The reporting illustrates attainment of attributes outlined in the six students aspirations stipulated as well as the eight domains of learning outcomes listed in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework. It is an integrated assessment mechanism that is aimed to assist various stakeholders in making decisions or planning for improvement. The purpose of this mechanism is to drive development and alignment in curriculum design, delivery and assessment at program level and at course level focusing on student's learning experience to towards development of a holistic and balanced human being. After calculating the CGPA, it will be shown as 'spiderweb' that were based on 8 aspect.
The final examination results and assessment at the end of every semester are assigned a Grade Point Average (GPA) and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GCPA) which represent a student's academic achievement.
Course Status
- LU: Pass
- F1: Firs time fail
- F2: Second time fail
- F3: Third time fail
- PD: Credit transfer
- PC: Credit exemption
- IL : Incomplete
- UD: Audit
- XX: Absent from examination with permission
- YY: Absent from examination without permission
- ZZ: Is not allowed to sit for the examination
#YY and ZZ is 0.00
Failure and Dismissal
Students with extremely unsatisfactory academic performance will be dismissed from his/her. The status of Dismisse (D) that can be given to students include:
D1: a GCPA of less than 1.80
D2: a GCPA of less than 1.80 with P1 status
D3: a GCPA of less than 2.00 with P2 status
D4: Failed in a certain course for the third time
D5: a GCPA of less than 2.00 at the end of the maximum period of study and still have course which have not been completed
D6: Passed all course required by a programme and fulfilled all the requirements of the programme but acquired a GCPA of less than 2.00
D7: Did not sit for the examination of all the registered courses for that semester without the approval of the University
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